This Year Set Intentions, not Resolutions<dataavatar hidden data-avatar-url=></dataavatar>

by | Jan 14, 2019

New Year’s has come and gone, but all the flutter of New Year’s Resolutions is still being thrown around.  As healthy as the intention is, I can’t help but find resolutions sort of a double-edged sword.  I find them to be positive from the perspective of pursuing a goal, but negative from the perspective of focusing on what is wrong with you. Resolutions seem to be guilt induced, whether it be the aftermath of holiday indulgence, or guilt for carrying a few more pounds than you are comfortable with.  Then comes more guilt when you can’t seem to meet the resolution you or society set for yourself.  Frustrated and guilt ridden, you move on and your goal becomes a thing of the past.  Something you want to forget, but somehow just looms above you. 


So this year let’s consider applying mindfulness to our path to health and wellbeing.  Forget about resolutions. Alternatively, carefully consider intentions.  Resolutions seem to be externally based, a marketer’s dream.  Intentions are internal, but they are carefully considered, gentler, with no shame or guilt.  Create the conditions for intentions to occur.  Open yourself up to experience the present moment, learn and grow.  Seek support as required.  Creating a long term, sustainable life change is about self-compassion; not guilt or pressure.


When setting intentions, I think most of us are after long-term change.  Life change.  We want to lead a healthy happy, fulfilled life.  One where we learn to notice and enjoy the everyday moments. This is where intentions and goal setting come together.


So how do you use this information to create the life we want to live? I’ve compressed to 5 mindful points:


  • Visualize the life you are living with the healthy enhancements you want to achieve.
  • Write downyour specific and realistic goals to achieve this vision.
  • Evaluate existing roadblocks. What keeps you from living your ideal life? How are you going to eliminate these roadblocks? 
  • Seek support,whether this be a personal trainer, a life coach, counsellor, good friend or network group. Take your intentions and create a schedule. When you put written and verbal words to a goal, it is much more likely to create results than one that is on your mind only.
  • Implement mindfulness in your fitness regime.Recognize the time spent is an investment in both body and mind. This “you time” may be the only time in your busy day where you can turn your focus inward and just experience you!  Notice your breathing, appreciate your strength and feel your power!  Afterwards don’t jump to the next task.  Maintain mindfulness and take notice of how you feel.  Those increased endorphins, that healthy glow. 


Most importantly be kind and self-compassionate. Change guilt to self-love.  If a workout session is occasionally missed, let it go.  We’re here to live, love and enjoy the best life we can. And you have the power to create this.



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